
lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Drawing a bit more.

Keeping the concept. Developing the idea.

The scheme of the building is to combine the spirit of the city and the spirit of the writer in the same house.

Due to the first one, the house is a compact building from the outside while a porous object in the inside, with diagonal linking courtyards. It also presents a landscape and labyrinthine go round as the texts of the city suggested that generate "vertical words only surrounded by walls"

The spirit of the writer is given expression through the use of the KUFI, a form of arabic language as a drawing that is tried to be used as a drawing language as well as building concept. This contributes to the labyrinthine feeling even when the plan is organized with a perimetrical band of services that orders the space. This also enlarges the outside wall benefiting the thermal inertia.

With a programme of a house and two enclosed apartments, the house is a labyrinthine space centered in the LIBRARY, with secret doors, lighted by the courtyard - the scene of a novel.

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Building with books

Approach Model (15.09.11)

There are some architectonical interventions that fight on their own, disregarding what it's happening around them. They decide their future in the physical limits of their territory and invest their time imagining the space, interpreting typologies or fitting in the programatic need of such space.

Maybe this should be one of them. Looking into it self rather than around. Cos' what is there to see? Maybe we require more mass and an introspective view. Maybe we should pile the books.

Tridimensional kufi//kufical structure (17.09.11)

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

The spirit of the writer

"It takes a thought to make a word and it takes some words to make an action"- Mraz sings in my head as I reflect on language and its influence in the writing process. Words are different in different languages and even when they come from the same thought they still have their own particular nuance.

So maybe, to grasp the spirit of the writer and give expression of it in the action- the design of his house in FEZ- we should research his language, arabic and learn from its alphabet, its structure, its calligraphy...

So, paraphrasing Mraz: It takes some letters to make a word, it takes some words to express an idea and it takes ideas to create whatever. In this case lets use them to design a house for someone who will use them to create stories. That way we will do the work of an architect with the tool of a writer: language.

Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various arabic scripts. It's name derived from the city of Kufa, Iraq. Is a form of script consisting of straight lines and angles, often with elongated verticals and horizontals.

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

The spirit of the city. FEZ

Site Plan. FEZ. 1:10000

Plot located at the occidental shore of FEZ's river, immersed in the structure of the Medina.

De P8.allona

Site Plan. Plot. 1:1000

Designing a house for a writer the concept must come from written text. Given Mosebach's I recover his words about waking though FEZ as walking in "Complete vertical worlds just separated by walls"

Because maktub (it is written in arabic)

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Ref. Architect's house

HEMEROSCOPIUM House. Antón García-Abril

For the Greek, Hemeroscopium in the place where the sun sets. An allusion to a place that exists only in our minds, in our senses, that is ever-changing and mutable, but nonetheless real.

HOCKER+. design studio

HOCKER+. design studio

HOCKER+ is a piece of furniture formed by two identical bent plywood parts (23mm thick) with five slots (two in one side and three in the other) strategically cut into the curve to act as joints to the next piece.
The versatile furniture featuring the two pieces creates oportunities for multiple configurations and furniture options as a table, lounge chair, stool, storage, magazine rack, umbrella stand...and any other the user imagines.

Trabajo registrado:12/RTPI-006669/2011

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

P7_ Die Baupiloten. Hoffmann


P7_ Die Baupiloten. ArcheNAO_Experimental wood pavilon


P6_Islands in the sky: Public library BERLIN

(planos próximamente)


P5_Cultural Center MADRID

P4_Campo Baeza

P4_Dreamed house in a forest. Hugging the forest

P4_Bridge-market in ROME. Overflying TEVERE river

P4_Wisdom tower in ROME. a three foot genius.



P3_ Roof for the stands of a Rugby's field. Fractal structure


P2_NUEVO BAZTAN's Cementery

P2_YENGA Housing

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011


Vivienda para un escritor en la Medina. FEZ

única condición: ser acompañado por el ensayo de Martín Mosebach- la casa épica.

"Estos grandes amontonamientos de casas [que es la ciudad de FEZ] son cementerios habitados."

"Fez es una ciudad de ocultamientos (...) puede que fuera la experiencia del depotismo oriental lo que hiciera aconsejable revelar hacia fuera lo menos posible de la vida familiar."

"El entrar [en una casa en FEZ] siempre va acompañado por la sorpresa: a veces por la fascinación.
En las oscuras callejuelas, la mirada se dirigía al suelo; ahora, de repente, se eleva a las grandes alturas y a la luz. (...) Mucha luz y mucho espacio y una gran altura.(...) Cuando se entra en una de ellas, ante todo se llega al aire libre."

"Recorriendo la ciudad, uno se movía a través de puros mundos verticales sólo separados por paredes."